News & Events
When is a Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer Considered a Debt Collector?
Location: Washington Plaza Hotel, Washington, DC
Date: November 22, 2013
Click here to review more information about this event.
Katrina Christakis joins an esteemed panel of mortgage litigation attorneys to examine whether loan servicers are exempt from liability under the FDCPA or whether, and under what circumstances, they qualify as “debt collectors” under the statute.
Event Highlights: The dynamics have changed for mortgage servicers and their counsel, most notably with the CFPB issuing a newly proposed set of rules for mortgage servicers which will officially go into effect in January 2014. As a result, it is more important than ever that bank and non-bank mortgage servicing companies know all they can to (i) best ensure that they avoid compliance violations and exposure to potential litigation, and (ii) implement the most cost-effective compliance systems and programs for their particular circumstances.
Join American Conference Institute at its first national forum on mortgage servicing compliance. In addition to unparalleled networking opportunities, this conference will provide attendees with the latest insights and expert advice from our exceptional faculty including on:
- Federal and State Government Roundtables on Mortgage Servicing: National Standards, CFPB Final Rules, Preparing for and Responding to Regulation and Enforcement, and How to Ensure Compliance in a Multi-Agency Environment
- Restrictions on “Dual-Tracking” and New Servicer Requirements Relating to Loss Mitigation and Loan Modification
- Error Resolution, Information Requests, and Direct Access/Continuity of Contact with Servicer Personnel
- New Requirements Governing Monthly Mortgage Statements and Rate Adjustments
- What Do the New Rules Say about “Forced-Place” Insurance?
- Complying with “Prompt” Payoff Crediting and Payoff Statement Requirements, and CFPB Demands for “Accurate and Accessible Documents and Information”
- CFPB Examination Procedures: Regulation Z – TILA and ECOA
- CFPB Close Supervision of Loan Servicing Transfers
- Enterprise-Wide Compliance Systems: What Will the Government Be Looking For and How To Implement the Best Program/Platform for Your Company
- Examining Industry-Wide Servicing Data Standards for GSE Loans Under the Uniform Mortgage Servicing Dataset)
- Ensuring Compliance with Servicing Requirements, Standards & Protections Under Servicemembers’ Civil Rights Act)
- When is a Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer Considered a Debt-Collector and Thus Potentially Subject to Liability for Violations of the FDCPA?
- Avoiding UDAAP Claims and Claims of Discriminatory Practices/Disparate Impact in Context of Mortgage Servicing