James Morrissey

Jim is an experienced litigator who has successfully represented financial institutions and related service providers in consumer protection cases, class actions, and government investigations. He’s a frequent presenter at legal and financial service conferences, addressing the impact of court decisions, regulations and consent orders on business operations. He has also authored articles that have appeared in legal journals and been cited by courts throughout the country regarding constitutional law, the SAFE Banking Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
A native Chicagoan who grew up in a family full of lawyers, Jim dreamed of being a fighter pilot or a writer for National Geographic but wisely decided to attend law school instead. He played rugby in college but now enjoys beach volleyball during Chicago’s brief summer months, and will go out of his way for a cheeseburger and chocolate shake at Top Notch Beefburgers.
Speaker, “Where Things Stand on Standing,” Conference on Consumer Finance Law, Chicago, IL | May 19, 2023
Speaker, "Cleaning up Your Credit," Veterans’ Financial Empowerment Workshop, Chicago, IL | May 3, 2019
Moderator, “Providing Pro Bono Assistance to Survivors of a Natural Disaster,” American Bar Association, Consumer Financial Services Committee, Miami, FL | January 12, 2019
Speaker, "Cleaning Up Your Credit," Chicago Public Library "Law at the Library" Series (pro bono) | February 26, 2018
Speaker, "Campbell-Ewald v. Gomez: Does a Tender of Complete Relief Moot a Plaintiff's Claim," American Bar Association, Consumer Financial Services Committee, Park City, UT | January 7, 2018
“New Legislation Could Rein in the IL Biometric Information Privacy Act,” ABA Business Law Today (April 2022)
“Standing at the Crossroads: Article III in FDCPA and TCPA Litigation since TransUnion,” ABA Consumer Litigation Committee Newsletter (August 2022)
"7th Circuit Reverses Dismissal of TCPA Claim Founded on Agency and Holds That Agent’s Conduct Subjects Principal to Personal Jurisdiction," ABA Business Law Today (August 2021)
"House of Representatives Passes the SAFE Banking Act," ABA Business Law Today (April 2021)
"Supreme Court to Decide Whether the CFPB’s Structure Violates the Separation of Powers," ABA Business Law Today (October 2019)
"Suing the Messenger: Update on Collection Letter Litigation," 74 Bus. Lawyer 569 (2019)
"'So You're Telling Me There's a Chance': The Post-Campbell-Ewald Possibility of Mooting a Class Action by Tender of Complete Relief," 71 Consumer Fin. L. Q. Rep. 237 (2018)
"Presbyterian Church of Sudan v. Talisman Energy Inc.: Aiding and Abetting Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute," 20 Minn. J. Int'l L. 144 (2011)
SHOW MORE + SHOW LESS -American Bar Association, Consumer Financial Services Committee (Vice-Chair, Litigation and Arbitration Subcommittee, 2022-present; Young Lawyer Liaison, Pro Bono Subcommittee, 2018-2020; Young Lawyer Liaison, Litigation and Arbitration Subcommittee, 2016-2018)
Chicago Bar Association (Chair, Consumer Credit Committee 2020-2022; Member, Judicial Evaluation Committee, Investigative Division)
American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division (Civic Engagement Team Member 2021-2022)
Conference on Consumer Finance Law
Receivables Management Association (RMAI)
ACA International, Members Attorney Program
Illinois State Bar Association
Mortgage Bankers Association