News & Events
Mortgage Litigation: The Borrower’s Perspective
Location: Washington Plaza Hotel, Washington, DC
Date: April 20, 2016
Click here for more information on this event.
Katrina Christakis moderates a panel of leading plaintiff’s attorneys and consumer advocates on litigation trends and current claims, discussing where cases are headed in the coming months. The panel will provide key insights into the types of actions they are focusing on and how the financial services industry can prepare for and respond to new and innovative claims, as well as how consumer advocates view the current consumer finance landscape.
Event Highlights:
In addition to unparalleled networking opportunities, the conference will provide attendees with a revamped agenda reflecting the latest insights and expert advice from our exceptional faculty on defending and managing lending, servicing and foreclosure litigation, and will keep you ahead of the curve with regard to increased enforcement efforts and the evolving regulatory paradigm at both the federal and state level. Sessions include:
- CFPB Priorities, Enforcement, Investigations, Examinations, Administrative Actions and Penalties and How to Adapt Your Practice as a Result: UDAAP, MSAs and Loan Officers, Kickbacks, RESPA Compliance, Appeals of CFPB Decisions, and More
- New Data Collection Rules and Modifications to HMDA Regulations: Gearing up for the New Regulatory Burden
- The Evolving TRID Landscape, Including Compliance/Implementation Efforts and Liability and Enforcement with Regard to Origination, Servicing, Assignees; and Lessons Learned from Recent RESPA and TILA Case Law
- Front Line Regulatory and Enforcement Insights by Key Governing Bodies in the Mortgage Industry
- Fair Lending Themes: The Latest Concerns by Enforcers and Regulators including CFPB, New Disparate Impact Litigation Nuances, Using UDAAP Where Other Statutes or Regulations Fail, and Beyond
- Class Actions: New Certification Trends including Tyson Implications; Early Resolution and Settlement Strategy; Recent CAFA and Removal Developments; and Reviewing Campbell-Ewald v. Gomez on Rule 68, Offering Relief and Whether it Moots a Class Claim
- Borrower’s Perspective: Insights from the Plaintiff ’s Bar and Consumer Advocates
- Latest Developments on Standing Including the Impact of Spokeo, Overcoming Contested Foreclosures, and Responding to Borrower Counterclaims and Stall Tactics
- Mortgage Servicing: CFPB Complaint Data Fallout; New Issues Arising from Mortgage Servicing Transfers; Litigation and Enforcement Concerns Related to Debt Collection Efforts; and Servicer Liability Under the TCPA, FDCPA and FCRA
- Enhancing Third-Party Vendor Management and Diligence Standards Over Service Providers in an Environment of Heightened Regulatory Expectations
- Reverse Mortgage Litigation: Latest on the Targeting of Certain Age Groups, Fraud and Confusion, and CFPB Developments